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Overview: Biologist, naturalist and TV presenter Roger Tabor's explores the history of the house cat around the world.

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Last Updated: 2023-03-10 19:27:38


Season Episode Name Aired Runtime Overview Watched
1 1 Felines and Pharaohs Details 1991-11-15 40 mins The domestic cat had its origins in ancient Egypt. But how did it become domesticated and who were its ancestors? Mark as Watched
1 2 A Love Hate Affair Details 1991-11-22 40 mins Revered as a god by the Pharaohs, the cat arrived in Britain with the Romans. But later it had to endure centuries of persecution and torture, a victim of its association with the old pagan religions. The cat had not changed - only people's perception of this solitary, promiscuous hunter of the night, whose light-reflective eyes and screeching voice were thought to be signs of the devil. Mark as Watched
1 3 Pet or Pest? Details 1991-11-29 40 mins As the British Empire expanded, how did the world's cat population grow? What was its impact and how did cats transform society? Mark as Watched
1 4 The Aristocats Details 1991-12-06 40 mins Roger Tabor goes in search of pedigree cats, from the favourites to the forgotten breeds. They include the first long-haired cat, the Angora, the Van swimming cat of Turkey, and Japan's unique Bobtail "good luck" breed. Mark as Watched
1 5 Cat and Supercat Details 1991-12-13 40 mins The domestic cat will soon overtake the dog as the most popular pet in the world. But is man's interference threatening the future of the species? In America, breeding has caused health problems for Siamese and Persians, and the desire for novelty cats, such as the dog-shaped Munchkin, is increasing. Mark as Watched


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